Would you like to control copies of your spreadsheets through an activation key like a software?

Would you like to control the users of those spreadsheets through a register of those users with different privileges, with username and password?

Would you like to protect and view each sheet of this Excel workbook in a different way, custom, fast, efficient and automatic?

This is XlsWorkbookSecuring, a blank Excel workbook with all these features pre-programmed ready for use.

Now if you then develop on this template you want to distribute the book through your license with a trial period for your customers?

With XlsWorkbookSecuring you can assign a trial license for 30 days for your customers to test your spreadsheet, these past thirty days they will have to buy a license to you and only to yo through an activation key.

This template is in its second beta release of version the RC (Release Candidate) is completely free of macro viruses and only contains procedures to meet their features, see the license agreement,  please can test this template and return feedback for those who returned feedback credits offer free licenses.

Fill out this simple form to be able to download the two versions of the product available:

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